YOUMEMAKI は " 商品を通して福祉活動をする " ことをコンセプトにモノづくりをしています。身体の不自由な方々と一緒に制作を行い、彼ら彼女らが不自由なくのびのびと生活が出来るよう売上の一部をサポートとして活用しております。
クスッと微笑んでしまう愛嬌のあるもの、長年愛用できるシンプルで飽きのこない万能アイテム、今まで見たことのないユニークでおもしろいものなど、BAG & ACCESSORYを中心に展開しております。

YOUMEMAKI - our concept is to create new and unique designs, designs inspired by objects that can be observed in daily life, but have not been incorporated into handbags or accessories until now.
YOUMEMAKI is a socially conscious brand that provides enriching opportunities for people with disabilities in Japan who are an important part of the creation of the handbags and accessories. YOUMEMAKI supports these individuals, in a comfortable environment, to reach their full potential in being independent and productive. The hope is for the designs to also inspire and motivate others to reach their full potential. Some of the profits are donated to help people with disabilities to make a better world for them. You are involved in this process when you buy one of our unique products.